Great write-up! Thanks for all the good-read recommendations. I love how well you write; and, I wish I had known how difficult it was for you back then :( Sorry I didn't and happy for you that you found resilience and are where you are in the present - much to be proud of.

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Ahh thank you. That is so sweet. You know, it ebbed and flowed, but especially on holidays it was hard being a single mom so far from family, and divorce is never fun...

But I def feel 100x better now! Was for sure drinking too much in Toronto. So glad I’ve left that destructive lifestyle behind!

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"Fail to launch" LMAO

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🤷🏼‍♀️ sad but true

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What a great list, giving me lots of books to put on my To-Be-Read sheet. I have another one of those stereotypically perfect moms. I'm not exaggerating. People (none of whom are Catholic) compare her to a saint. So maybe it's a result of that that I love to read about bad moms and dysfunctional families.

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RIGHT! They really do exist! Glad you have one too! Same with my mom, a total saint. But I’m pretty sure it skips a generation! Haha

These are definitely peak dysfunctional family books.

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Yep, I agree. Sainthood skipped me, for sure.

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Haha same!

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