Sep 9Liked by Charlotte Dune

Yes! So timely, a good bit of synchronicity as I just posted today about the other world of the internet taking over my inner world, as I still have not found a balance that feels good. So I am taking as much of a break as I can. I’m less optimistic that a balance can be achieved easily or anything soon with the current systems in place. The youth are suffering much greater fates still. My use is akin to addiction, as I have conveniently removed most of the overt ones from my life, but they just get moved around, diffuse more often than not. Inner compulsions and obsessions to fixate and soothe. I appreciate your in depth look and will enjoy coming back to click around some links, a generous offering of thought. Thank you

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So cool on the synchronicity! Can you link your other works post here in case my other readers want to read it?

I agree and just now in today’s Apple Keynote, they shared that Apple is connecting to satellites so if you have an iPhone you won’t EVER be off grid. Like you’d have to leave earth not to get iMessages…

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The Panopticon is finally complete, gentlemen (rubs hands together).

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Sep 9Liked by Charlotte Dune

As an iPhone user I am…not pleased 😑 and thank you, I will link the post!

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What a fantastic piece! Thank you Charlotte! So happy you are part of the seminar.

Kind regards, Daniel

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Thanks again for organizing! It’s been great. Will likely write about and share more reflections from the various sessions.

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Always wild to read your Substack…

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Haha I’ll take this as a compliment!

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Sep 11Liked by Charlotte Dune

Thanks for this beautiful piece Charlotte. I attended the online course also and was enthralled with Alexander's presentation. I work in the psychedelic space and have been impressed with his depth and breadth on the topic. He is one of the most diligently wise voices of our times and warrants our utmost attention!

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Agreed! It was a great talk! So glad I got to see it.

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Just saw this, haven't read it all yet, but it seems very relevant:


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Will read! Thanks!

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Thanks for the beautiful and comprehensive overview! I loved that talk, it summed up a lot of his ideas I think.

BTW what are 'crypto brunchlords'? Urban Dictionary is at a loss for once.

So depressing that line of rapists waiting to be tried, dios mio, bunch of shithawks who thought it would be ok because they were going to get away with it. I don't believe in a judgemental god but one's own conscience is bound to speak up at some point about doing something like that... surely? Maybe in 50 years' time, but possibly one or two of them felt a tiny bit ashamed as they looked at the other rapist losers around them. Imagine seeing your own brother or dad in such a line...

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So, crypto brunchlords are guys pushing crypto, startups, or "investments" portfolios, but really aren't in tech and are like male Anna Delveys, just posting Instagram pictures of their brunches and going to hotel lobbies, brunches, and eating croissants and drinking champagne, but never really making anything. They're also greedy, and delulu, the "failing upwards" crowd, the type that would abuse company credit cards, very fake it till you make it types, also trust fund types. Also can be do-nothing types at large companies, who always just seem to be schmoozing, or are getting by on being tall and handsome, vs actually innovating. Kind of Andrew Tatey. Always overspending, always ordering every appetizer on the menu, but somehow still staying fit and attractive.

And OMG the idea of seeing my brother or dad in the rapist line. I would die. Son also.

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ok thanks for the explanation. I've met a few of these guys. And yes, the Anna Delvey story was funny too (although not for those she scammed of course).

Yeah the rapists better hope there were no photos taken from the other angle where their faces were visible.

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