I like occasional link salad, but unlike my lunch salads, I try to limit the ingredient list to 5 or so. And I like what Matt Bell said.

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I so feel this, they can really be hit or miss for me! There are some I read, but most I ignore. I'm glad mine have been interesting though! 🥰

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I used to have a section in my newsletter for this sort of thing called T-Rex. I did only a few issues before I stopped. It was a lot of work, and while people said they liked them, they just weren't performing very well and took a lot of time away from writing.

So I guess you could say I like the idea of them, but as a rule, I just skip them.

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I love this too--and thanks so much for what you wrote about my commonplacing posts, love to know that readers find something valuable in them. 💜

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No to link salads! They make my eyes glaze over, and I'd much rather read one well-written article.

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I love this. Thanks for sharing.

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