Well, one thing is clear: the book is a mind-blower. I’m intrigued enough that I’m going to take a look and see if I can make sense of it. Like you, I’m wide open to all kinds of experimentation, though I’ve not tried DMT or Ayahuasca yet. But like T Van Santana, the conclusions I’ve drawn thus far lead me to sober meditation ... which when it works, feels like a real mind blower to me.

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Another vote for Sober meditation, love it! If you read the book, I’d love to hear your opinions.

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Hmm, just tried to find the book in my local library system ... no such luck! Still looking.

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Hmm, usually you can request the library to order books by the ISBN number even if they are not currently in the system.

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I've been down the drug-consciousness rabbithole myself and have ended up in sober meditation. That's the one for me. But I respect everyone has their own journey with this and there's no one right way or even set of ways. Better to search than not search, usually.

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Yes! I agree. Many types of exploration can be rewarding. Love the sober meditation and yoga deeply myself also.

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This was very eye-opening. I wasn't really familiar with DMT or Ayahuasca, but I enjoy reading about things I know very little about. I also love contemplating the nature of the world around us and how we factor into it. I'll be sinking into a deeper mode of thought for today. Thanks for this!

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Yes! Me too. Anything that challenges the mind to expand is what I’m here for!

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Such a captivating review and exploration, Charlotte! Thank you for sharing! Really, we don't know much of anything at all. Most especially when we're stuck in that "outward" mode.

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Yes. Outward mode is a good way to think of it! Need the balance of internal and external. The idea of existing with no senses is still haunting me...

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Interesting stuff. Thanks for the breakdown. I might give the book a whack as well. Cheers.

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Cool! Thanks for reading. If you pick up the book, let me know. I keep thinking maybe I should start a psychedelic book club... haha one day.

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