Book Blurb Magic Workshop
What makes you buy a book? Plus a free workshop this Thursday on writing snatched and bad$ss book blurbs to sell gobs and gobs of books.
Hi folks. They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but how about by its blurb?
Let’s do a little poll. Think back to the last book you bought. What made you buy it?
And if it’s something else, I’d love to know what in the comments. Also, what was the last book you bought?
My book purchasing habits seem to involve some rotating and random combination of all of the above, plus genre and review count, the author’s name, or “buzz.” I’m such an impulse buyer.
However, research shows that most buyers purchase books based on the blurbs/summary as their #1 deciding factor.
So, all authors, and especially indie authors, have to worry about their book blurbs, either to pitch their books, or to sell their books, and despite being able to write an entire novel, many struggle with this short, punchy text, which is less about storytelling and more about sales and persuasion.
So, If you’re an author, have author friends, or have dreamed of being an author, I’d invite you to join me this Thursday, May 9th at 8 PM EST for a free webinar called Book Blurb Mastery 101 taught by pro blurb writer Jessie Cunniffe, and with the Writers’ Support Group, which I co-host every Thursday with fellow author Lainey Cameron.
During this evening of writer fun and education, we will uncover and examine the 'secret' formula behind the blurbs of bestselling books, and Jessie will teach you how to craft magic blurbs for our books.
I sometimes write my book blurbs before I ever write the books! A good blurb can be like a beacon for your future novel.
Sign up here to register for the event and to receive the Zoom link.
This webinar is open to authors in all genres.
And if you’re a non-writer, and you come to my Lagoon for pure reading pleasure, forward this along to a writer friend, or share it with your wider community in case any aspiring writers want to join us on Thursday.
The webinar will be taught by Jessie Cunniffe, book sales copywriting expert, with an introduction and moderation by Lainey Cameron, bestselling author, book marketing expert, and the founder of the 12 Weeks to Book Launch Success Program. (Currently waitlisted.)
I’ll be hanging out and moderating the written chat and Q&A, and I’ll also be learning alongside everyone because writing book blurbs is something I have to do, but I’m by no means 100% confident in my skills. Hopefully, this will help me tweak the book blurbs for my three published novels, which I’m sure could all use some work!
So, authors, bring all your book blurb questions and come for some fun and author skill-building.
Now You
To recap, what makes you actually buy a book?
What was the last book you bought?
Do you like reading a book’s blurb? Or do you worry about spoilers?
P.S. If you can’t make the event, Jessie also has a free "Anatomy of a Book Blurb” download here.
See you Thursday!
I bought Kimi Cunningham Grant's "The Nature of Disappearing" on the basis of its PW review.
I buy a book after I flip through it, read a little here and there, and I can intuitively feel that it’s something I want to continue reading.