I need this in my life right now. I'm all over the place. I bought a planner though, so hopefully that will help. But having a hobby in trading cards is definitely not easy on the budget.

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Haha I feel you! I’ve got an Amazon instant shopping addiction going on. Way too many books and too many supplements and skin care products. Toning it way down in 2023!

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Amazon is dangerous! Especially the 5% cashback if you have their card.

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Yep. I totally gave that card. LOL.

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Charlotte Dune


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❤️ thank you!

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It's an interesting idea. My system doesn't seem terribly different from yours, but I'm not stressed about it. Like it works fine. I definitely could be more organized and that sounds ... good? Ish? But maybe not enough to motivate me to do it. It also sounds like you have more holdings and definitely have more properties than I do, so perhaps that adds some stress and complexity?

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Yes I think I reached a point where it was becoming stressful not to be more organized, like a tipping point.

And great minds think alike on the intuition side of sensing the balance! Glad you’re not stressed.

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It's basically a mo money, mo problems kina deal 😏💰

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Or I’m getting my ADHD finally in check. Haha

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This post sparks joy.

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Haha thank you! For me too. ❤️

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